
How to Get Your Workplace Ready During the Pandemic


We are now finally proceeding towards a post-pandemic world, where we have begun to live life as we used to, but in a new improved way. Due to the threat of the pandemic, however, operations still cannot return to the way they used to be. People cannot interact with one another the same way. Hence, precautions need to be taken in the new business world.

This is why we have created a list of things you can do personally or as the head of an organization to keep yourself and your employee’s safe and away from the dangers of the coronavirus. The ways have been listed down below.

  1. Cleaning

Cleaning will need to become a part of your routine in the post-COVID world. This is because if someone with the virus touches an object, the virus can linger upon it for many hours. Cleaning with proper cleaning supplies helps eliminate the risk of contamination, just like you would do a summer cleanout. This is why cleaning surfaces, office spaces, and all areas where human interaction takes place is extremely important. You can also get strata cleaning with JAN-PRO.

  • Limited Interaction

One of the most important things that need to be done in the post-COVID world is the fact that we need to limit human interaction. This is because human interaction leads to the spread of the virus. There are many ways this can be done, for example, calling employees on alternate days to combat overcrowding in the workplace, while the rest of the employees could implement the work from home situation.  Make a rule of no handshakes, hugs, or any human touch. Make sure that all employees wear masks when interacting to ensure that no spread of the virus occurs. This will then help reduce the spread of the virus while also help continue business operations.

  • Sanitizers and masks

If employees do not keep these two items on them at all times, it leads to a serious risk in spreading the virus. This is why making a rule that all employees keep these two objects with them at all times will help limit the spread of the virus. As the mask will stop the respiratory droplets from getting into your nasal system while the sanitizer will kill the virus if there is some interaction with it.

  • Close all dining areas

Even though food is an important part of offices and employees’ lives, eating in a communal setting can help spread the virus further. This is why we believe that closing such places will help reduce the spread of the virus and keep it at bay. Instead, employees can outsource their lunches like getting them from home. Also eating after washing their hands should be put on posters all around the workplace to enforce that they wash their hands. Washing hands will help stop the spread of the virus and keep employees as well as other workers safe.

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